Sky Donovan sits atop a bale of straw, stroking his cock as he thumbs through a porn rag. When he flips the page he's greeted by the steely stare of Robert Black in an advertisement for <b><i>Floggd & Fukt</i></b>. Sky closes his eyes as he strokes his cock and soon Robert materializes in cowboy duds. Next thing you know, Sky is bound to a pine beam and Robert is taking control...running his hands over Sky's chest, abdomen, the bulge of his cock and balls...the t-shirt is sliced...Sky's nipples are teased...he's gagged and flogged with a cat-o-nine-tails...drenched with a bucket of water...flogged and manhandled some more...but clearly Sky enjoys this punishment. As his chest is raw and red, Sky smiles and queries "Is that all you've got?"
Scenes with Sky Donovan

Scenes with Robert Black

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