A scene from the celebrated "Falcon Alone With" series, where Falcon favorites bare more than their flesh!
O-K-L-A-H-O-M-O ... OklaHOMO ... okay! Who would have thunk that this macho fireplug was into musical theatre! It was during a run of "Oklahoma" that superhunk Jake Gianelli met the first guy he tripped the light fantastic with; they were both in a college production of that rousing Broadway chestnut. One evening after a cast party, after a little too much drinking, the two retired to his dorm room. The first thing Jake did was very dramatic, very theatrical: he tore off his buddy's underwear. But then he wasn't sure what to do next -- there were no stage directions for this romantic farce! The two thespians started to improvise and soon played out the scene to a most happy ending. It was an exciting rush Jake will always remember.