Having been away at sea for a long six months, Naval officer Landon Conrad's happy as a clam when his ship finally drops anchor in San Francisco. He dives into a gay waterhole for some R&R where hunky barkeep Parker Perry knows exactly what to do to satisfy the man in uniform. He makes headway to Landon's crotch and runs his tongue and mouth up and down and all over his already stiffened staff. Then he goes for his poop deck and rims his asshole. The men switch places so Landon can service the lucky landlubber and he swabs him from fore to aft and from stern to stern gobbling down his cock and eating out his ass. Landon then sinks his dick into Parker's asshole, fucking him so hard that all the bartender can do is scream for more. The men twist into different positions, both of them drowning in their desire for more and more pleasure. They separate to jerk themselves off, the excitement and thrill running out of control until one after the other, they shoot their loads.
Scene Action Gallery
Scenes with Landon Conrad

Scenes with Parker Perry

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