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2 141354 100 From The Damien Crosse Anthology Damien Crosse and Wilfried Knight Runtime: 00:27:30
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<b>Sucking on the Hookah Pipe</b> - A lavish country estate in the middle of an oasis - a place for pleasure, relaxation, and romance.....Damien Crosse and Wilfried Knight enjoy each other's company in another scene between two of the worlds top porn stars. Wilfred and Damien are top stars by anyone's standard, and this pairing delivers the fireworks that you would expect. Indeed this one is over the top! Damien is cast in the role of an Arab slut and he plays the part like a natural! Watching Wilfried's sweat run down his hairy torso carries us quickly into the heat of the moment. You can almost smell the sex when these men start fucking! Damien Crosse never looked better - now at about thirty years old, this man has hit his prime. His sexual skill is second to none, and this scene is a perfect example why Damien Crosse is probably the best performer working in porn today!
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